LIFE and HOPE through Jesus Christ

Bringing the Gospel of Jesus to those in need


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 


Flexile Cycle



We are ministry that unites with other churches. With the mission to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, make disciples, wherever there is a need.  For over a decade we have seen those who had never knew Jesus, come to know Him,  as their Savior  and their Lord. 


Hope Anticipated

A LIFE relinquishing control; ANTICIPATING Jesus Christ to provide HOPE through the healing of one’s mind, body, and soul.

Hope Applied

A LIFE APPLYING one’s abilities and resources to purposefully meet the needs within the local community, extending personal HOPE.

Hope Awarded

A LIFE lived beyond self-restrictions, for the purpose of inspiring HOPE beyond expected settings and approaches; AWARDED through serving others.


Sharing the Gospel here and across the globe

Seeing lives changed, by His Love . . .  For Over A Decade

I have seen such a change happen in our village… My first mission trip to Honduras was in 2015 and I have been back a few times since… There has been such a drastic change in the lives of our brothers and sisters since we first started coming. God has done so much in their lives and it is beautiful to witness.  


– Audrey

Flexile Mobile
Ellipse Flexile


Seeing lives changed, by His Love . . .

For Over A Decade



When we were first led to Honduras Pastor Adaly Sandres was just a teenager.  We never know what God is going to do in the lives of those who follow Him  shares how God used teams from Life Hope to share Christ with him and his friends and family.



We all remember what it was like to go to school and to have teachers that care and want to let you know that you have a purpose. We want our schools to serve in that manner while also sharing a biblical worldview to all students in attendance.

We are able to do this because of you and your support. The impact we have seen on the community through a Christ- Centered school has been unbelievable.

short term missions


 The need for a non-profit resulted after years of short-term missions trips. A natural progression began to work within the leaders of the mission teams, seeing the need to impact both the National and International communities beyond short-term projects. In addition, the establishment of the 501(c)(3) was essential in providing an accountability to the money being received for the mission projects; as well as reinforce the purpose of working together as a larger body of believers (beyond one specific church). 


beyond one specific church

May God bless you and thank you being a part of of this ministry!


join us as we share God’s love

All donations are tax deductible and a statement will be submitted at the end of each year.